We are quickly becoming a world of imitators; people try their hardest to fit in with the crowd. This means that imagination and true freedom is lost because we are afraid to stand out in the crowd. Although young people talk about individuality they are caught up in fashion statements that demand that they look like the crowd. Being different brings ostracizing from the crowd so we are forced by public opinion to be like Mike!
The Bible tells us not to conform but to be transformed. We are not to be like everyone else but we are to be changed by our faith in God. This is radically different and yet it is refreshing because it lets us know that I can live Holy and please God. I can stand out from the crowd and stand up for God.
God made you an original, don’t die an imitation!
Lord I am affected by what goes on in this world but teach me how to effect the world by how I live for you.
Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan