Feb 12, 2011

Lighten Your Load—Scripture: Hebrews 12:1

We are reminded by the writers of Hebrews that we are in a race and this race that we are in is vital not only to our survival but also that of our family and this very world! This race is not about who comes in first but it is more concerned with the way in which we run and making sure we finish better than we started. Since this is the theme of the verse, we are advised to lighten our load  At the beginning of this year, do a spiritual inventory and drop some of the excess wear and tear on your soul. We have people and even things in our lives that add nothing to our journey except drama and pain, the prescription, drop it.

We drop the weight so that we can run with greater power. Dropping the weight pleases God in that we are free to run our race in a way that glorifies him. It has been said that it is possible to please people and not please God. However it has also been said that it is impossible to please and not bless people. This year, this month, this day, this hour, begin to drop the weight!

The collateral damage the extra weight is causing to your Spiritual Temple.

Lord help me to say no to myself, because I realize that the biggest weight that I drop this year might be me!

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan