Beloved, in this season of your lives, when things seem to be moving 100 miles per second, take (notice I said take) the time to reflect and renew and ask the Lord to teach you how to pray and what to pray for. Come boldly before him and request from him a deeper more meaningful prayer life.
Beloved, in this season of your lives, when things seem to be moving 100 miles per second, take (notice I said take) the time to reflect and renew and ask the Lord to teach you how to pray and what to pray for. Come boldly before him and request from him a deeper more meaningful prayer life.
Lord give me the mind to steal away and seek your face so that I might have the power to get the job done and the peace to know that you are with me.
Lord give me the mind to steal away and seek your face so that I might have the power to get the job done and the peace to know that you are with me.
Determined to Live by Faith,
Dr. Stan