Feb 12, 2011

God Cares About Me!—Scripture: Psalm 103:2-5

We have reasons to rejoice! Yes we thank God for food and shelter, those basic needs of life. But we also thank God for his benefits towards us. The Lord knows how to care for us; this is particularly pleasing in that much of the time we really don’t know how to properly care for ourselves. 

The psalmist says, “Bless the Lord and thank God for all his benefits towards me”.  Have you ever thought about all his benefits towards you? If we are to truly consider all the benefits we would spend all our time just thanking God. The good news today is God cares about me and he has provided me with seen and unseen benefits!

If it had not been for the Lord on our side (I can’t even finish the sentence)...

Thank you Lord for all your benefits!

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan