Many people in our world today truly believe that they do not need organized religion to get to God. They cite the notion that all organized religion is tarnished and filled with hypocrisy. They go on to say that I don’t need a man to point me in the direction of God; I can see God in nature. While some of these observations may be true, they are also fatally flawed, the truth is this: We need The Shepherd and we need under shepherds that will assist in getting us into a right relationship with God.
I cannot speak for other religions but as far as the Christian is concerned the church is the actual body of Christ. We are more than just a group of people who get together on Sundays and hang out. God has ordained pastors to feed his people with his words. When Jesus was on that mountain looking down at the people he was not angry that they had disturbed his rest, but he had compassion in them. This is what our friends who criticize the church cannot see; we serve a God who is compassionate about his sheep. Not only did the Lord feed his sheep with physical food, Mark declares that he taught them many things. Oh beloved, the Lord is Good and greatly to be praised, for He will feed us not just with the natural, but also the supernatural.
Lord thank you for being my shepherd and teaching me, “many things”.
Lord you are my shepherd and because of that I have everything I need.
Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan