"The Harvest In Plentiful and We Still Need Laborers!"
Peace and blessings to my Mt. Calvary Family!
We are still in the dawn of a new year and there is a lot of work to be accomplished. As the Lord brings the harvest the real question is this, who will be available to gather up the crops? So if the Lord is calling you to serve, step outside of your comfort zone and say here I am Lord, use me.
We need your talents and remember no talent is too small or large to be used in kingdom work. e need kingdom workers in every facet of church life. From teachers to cleaners, from cleaners to cooks, from cooks to communicators - the Lord has need of you!
The Lord need your time, which means in 2015 we must being to reprioritize our lives so that kingdom matters have priority in our lives. We can no longer come to church on Sunday and just expect everything to be in order, especially if we have not given any time to the up building of this church. Please think of the church when you are at home, work, or even at play. Ask yourself what I can do or give to make the church even more effective?
Finally, the Lord has called for your treasure, yes beloved, the money! The church does not just operate on good wishes and prayer, but on tithes and offerings as well. Become a tither today, try God and put Him to the test in 2015. Watch God bless you in areas you were dried up and withering away. Mount Calvary, you have witnessed what your tithes and sacrificial gifts to the kingdom have accomplished: A beautiful sanctuary, a state of the are Life Center, supporting missions in Africa, Caribbean, and right here in the communities of Baltimore and Towson. Here is the truth - the best is till yet to come!
So listen to the words of Paul, "I beg you therefore, my brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, that your present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service!" (Romans 12:1)
Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stanley
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