Mar 14, 2011

In Search of Peace—Scripture: John 14

Where do we find a place absent of violence and warfare?  Where do we go when our world is turned upside down?  How do we cope when family is fighting and funds are very low?  How do we cope with marriage, career, needs and desires?  We the people of God need peace. Peace is not the absence of trouble, for Jesus said in this life you would have trouble. 

The peace that we stand in need of is peace with God. The peace that comes with a treaty after a war is temporary at best. The peace that we achieve when a new job has been apprehended is fleeting at best. We need the peace that allows us to sleep though a storm. Jesus said to his disciples in an upper room, “My peace I leave with you, not the peace that the world has but my peace”. So Beloved, seek those things that are above or in other words, in all your getting get Jesus, so that you can have his peace!

I have choices and I choose what the Lord has to offer, inner peace!

Lord teach me to seek those things which are above so that I might gain the peace that passes all understanding.

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

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