Mar 16, 2011

Lessons From the Wilderness—Scripture: Mark 1:11-13

Well beloved we are now in the Lenten season, a season of examination, stretching and ultimately change. It is my firm belief that the Lord desires that we grow. The challenge as always is where this growth will occur. Will we cruise merrily through life picking up daises along the way and gaining great insight from the daisy ministry? Perhaps, but not very likely; more often than not we grow through adversity, trials, heartache, closed doors and even death.  Saints, these are things that happen in the desert places in our lives. Places that to the naked eye are unappealing, hold no visual value, and are places we would rather not venture into. Yet God has decided to make this landscape the lab for us to learn kingdom lessons.

So the text before us gives us the first lesson in the wilderness:  Mark says that Jesus has just received the ultimate compliment from his father, “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.”  What a salutation! What happens next is really strange. Jesus is driven by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested, tried, and tempted by the devil. The same Spirit that said I am pleased drives him into the desert.

We have to be driven into the wilderness! No one goes into the valley voluntarily, we must be driven. Today, as you read this be clear that God is still driving his disciples into the desert places; places where there appears to be little growth, loneliness and even hardship. *God understands that we will never arrive at the place he has ordained for us to be unless we are driven, pushed, maybe even shoved! Maybe today you feel like God is on your case, pushing you into a corner that you don’t want to be in, well you might be in the process of being driven into your wilderness!

To be continued…

Lord thank you for driving me into my destiny.

Lord thank you for not leaving me to myself.

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

Mar 15, 2011

Where My Blessings Come From—Scripture: Genesis 39:3-4

Most people want to be successful in life. We want to be recognized as a person that has done well for themselves. This is normal and quite healthy; however the challenge arises when we reach the goal that has been set. We have a problem giving credit where credit is due. When people around you are enamored with your success and they are stroking your ego making you feel more important than you truly are, to whom do you give the credit for your success? 

I have found this to be true, whether it be healing, finances, family or some other area; God is the author of it all! The Bible reminds us that Joseph was in bondage but the Lord favored him and made him successful and prosperous. We as Christians must always remember that although we may have education and skills, it truly is God that opens doors. Finally in the face of opposition and trouble when we think that nothing good can come out of a situation, it is God and God alone that blesses us in a bad situation and makes it work for our good!

Nothing in this world can hold back or limit God when he intends to bless us: God just wants the praise!

Lord you are truly the fount of every blessing; I bless and thank you with my whole heart!

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

Mar 14, 2011

In Search of Peace—Scripture: John 14

Where do we find a place absent of violence and warfare?  Where do we go when our world is turned upside down?  How do we cope when family is fighting and funds are very low?  How do we cope with marriage, career, needs and desires?  We the people of God need peace. Peace is not the absence of trouble, for Jesus said in this life you would have trouble. 

The peace that we stand in need of is peace with God. The peace that comes with a treaty after a war is temporary at best. The peace that we achieve when a new job has been apprehended is fleeting at best. We need the peace that allows us to sleep though a storm. Jesus said to his disciples in an upper room, “My peace I leave with you, not the peace that the world has but my peace”. So Beloved, seek those things that are above or in other words, in all your getting get Jesus, so that you can have his peace!

I have choices and I choose what the Lord has to offer, inner peace!

Lord teach me to seek those things which are above so that I might gain the peace that passes all understanding.

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

Mar 12, 2011

God Has Made Provisions—Scripture: Romans 8:35-39

We face a lot of trials and tests in this life. The truth is that even believers in Christ go through storms and controversy as we try to live out our lives as Christians. Sometimes in the face of such stark realities we shrink back and try to hide. At other times we wonder to ourselves, “Does God know what is going on?”  I have lived in seasons where it is one thing after another, a death, bills, relationships, etc. There were times when I truly could not feel the presence of God in my life and I wondered whether God was there. I wondered if God had thought about my life and made provisions for all these things.

In the book of Romans, Paul answers the questions that we all have from time to time during our sojourn. Paul says emphatically that God has thought about your life and has made provisions for everything that happens to us. Here is how God makes provisions; he says that nothing in this life can separate us from his love. No trouble, pain, finance, relationship, or anything else in this life can separate us from his love. Paul goes even further and says death or any unseen thing cannot separate us from the love of Christ. The good news is that while we were in our mother’s womb the Lord was making plans and provisions for us! 

On this day with all of the hassle and hell I may have to face I rejoice that no temptation that I face can overcome the provision that the Lord has made for me! 

Consider: The Lord said nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from him; Thank you Lord for taking care of me.

Lord thank you for loving me through every difficulty in my life. Lord teach me to trust you even when I can’t feel your presence and have me to know that you have made provisions for every situation in my life.

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

Mar 11, 2011

Due Season—Scripture: Galatians 6:7-9

Sometimes in life we feel like our work has been in vain. This is particularly true when we examine our lives in the face of those who are not trying to live according to Gods’ Law. It appears that they are doing just as well or even better than we are. Sometimes this causes us to stop and think, “Is it worth it?”  I mean why all the praying, fasting, going to church and the like if I am going to end up worse than those who live by their own rules? 

I too am familiar with these thoughts and I have considered the value of living right if it is not paying off? Here is the answer that Paul gave a very young Galatian Church, he says don’t get tired of doing the right thing. He tells them that there is a certain season in which God’s people flourish and it is called, Due Season. This is our hope in the dark seasons in life that God will prosper us in his own time. So my encouragement to you today is this, hold on another day, hold on another hour, and hold on another minute for Due Season will surely come.

Lord teach me to keep my eyes on you especially when things in my life are not going as planned. Lord give me the inner strength to wait for my Due Season.

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

Mar 10, 2011

You Have Received Love Now Give Love—Scripture: John 13:31-35

The scriptures report to us that God is love. Yes, the Bible is a testimony of his love for creation.  John 3:16 is perhaps the Bible in miniature, for God does love the world. It is a strange thing to think about when one considers all the horrible things that humanity has done and is doing. Yet the scriptures ring out over and over again that God loves us with an everlasting love.

John the beloved Gospel writer gives us a clue into the heart of our Lord Jesus when he says, “Greater love hath no man than to lay his life down for a friend.”  He goes on to say, “Even as I have loved you, you are to love one another, by this all will know that you are my disciples.” We have received the greatest gift ever given; Jesus lets us know the proper way to say thank you is to continue to give the gift to others. We received love even though we did not deserve it. The Lord is challenging us to love people not based on their actions but on the actions of our Savior who died to show the world that love is the greatest power on earth.

Lord teach me to love others as you love me!

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan