May 17, 2011

Occupy Until I Come/ Use What You Have!: Scripture: Luke 19:11-27

Greetings my brothers and sisters, I pray that you and your family are basking in the goodness of the Lord. Occupying until he comes can be challenging, particularly when time is an element that we do not control. Time frustrates us because we would like to manipulate it for our good. Although time can be burdensome it can also be a blessing.  Waiting helps us learn to manage time, gifts and even problems. We learn that we can take more than we thought we could, simply by surviving the storm. So while you are waiting, use what you have. What am I talking about? Glad you asked. In the text, before we are told that Nobleman was on his way to a far country to be crowned king and called for his servants; He gave them some money and told them to go and put it to work until I come back. The first thing to note is this; we have all been given something to work with. God never makes a promise and leaves us empty handed.  He gives us patience, love, strength, the ability to sing, compute numbers, dance, counsel, and speak or some other gift. The Lord expects us to use these gifts until he comes back. So beloved stop crying about what you do not have and use what you have to bless God and yourself.

The next thing the Bible reminds us of is this; the master will return and ask for an account of what we did with our gifts. Occupy means that we use and even enhance what we have been given. First, use what you have to get more. Remember if you are not using what you have effectively why would He give you more. The next item is just as important; enhance what you already have. Yes you are saved but that does not prohibit you from reading and studying. Find out more about your faith, go to the bookstore and enhance your knowledge of our Lord and savior. Finally, the text reveals that the rewards based on faithful activity not ignorant slothfulness. We cannot come to the Lord with some church saying that has no basis in scripture, but we must be faithful over what we have been given. Crying over spilled milk may get you sympathy from friends but it does not move God in your favor. It appears that the Lord wants to know what you did after the break down, after the lay-off, after the divorce! We can answer like the foolish servant and say I just went and hid in my hurt so that no one could ever do that to me again, or we can say Master I learned some things about healing and love and patience and I present to you a better man a better woman. Use what you have!  

Determined to live by Faith,
Dr. Stan

Occupy Until I Come/ What To Do In The Meantime!: Scripture: Luke 19:11-27

Peace and Blessings beloved I greet you this day with the Joy of Jesus. I needed to pen this note of encouragement and instruction so that you will not grow weary in well doing.  Maybe on this day and in this season of your life and you are wondering when will the Lord do for you what he has promised? There are things that the Lord speaks into our spirits; things about our families, health, finances, relationships and even your future.  Yes, the Lord spoke it and you believe it, but the challenge is this, when will these things come into fruition? When will the Lord show up and make my enemies behave?  When will the Lord fix my fractured family? Why are ungodly people moving ahead of me? I know you can cure the disease but when Lord, when are you going to show yourself strong in my life? Lord what should I do until you come?

The question is answered in our text today; Jesus says in a parable to occupy until I come back. I will share the interpretation of the parable in another note but today the word is occupy! Notice in the parable Jesus gives the servants resources and instructions so that they will remain active. While you are waiting remember that Jesus has given you talents, gifts, abilities skills so that you can keep yourself active. One of the most destructive forces in the terrestrial realm is inactivity. Inactivity is brought on by frustration, frustration comes from waiting. Remember what Paul said to the Galatian Church, “Do not grow weary in well doing for you shall reap if you do not give up.” Gal. 6:9. Jesus says to us through the portals of time, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, if you believe in God believe also in me.” John 14:1

While you are waiting believe that God has given you the “stuff” to hold on and hold out.  Final words, while you are waiting, don’t let yourself go. Hold on to your mind; “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3. Hold on to your body. Don’t eat to try and satisfy a longing that Christ promises to fulfill. “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1st Cor. 9:27. Finally, don’t let go of your hope! The song writer said my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness!  The Lord will do exactly what he promised in his own time, all he asks of us is to occupy until he comes back. 

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan

What He Comes To Do!

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (KJV)  JOHN 10:10

The last time we shared I tried to explain the difference between Zoe and Bios life.  Zoe is life in the Spirit and it pertains to things in the Spirit. Bio on the other hand is just that, your biological life and all the things associated with physical life. 

It is my contention that if we have Zoe life, all other things fall into place. It is a matter of priority: When we seek those things that are above, He then gives us the desires of our heart. So then beloved:

Jesus says, I have come, I did not send a substitute but I came myself to give you something, something no one else could give you. Jesus gives us Zoe, life in the Spirit, a fulfilled life, a satisfying life, a life not absent from drama but peace in the midst of it.

That is why he came, but what did he come to do? He says in this Word from John’s Gospel, I come that you might have life AND (key) have it more abundantly. 

Taking a look into the words "more abundantly" we find that the words in the Greek are Perissos; meaning exceedingly abundant, more abundant, beyond measure, superfluous. Jesus said I want your life in the Spirit to pour out into every other aspect of your life. I want your Zoe to outshine your Bios. He comes to fill up the empty spaces in our lives with abundant Zoe!

I don’t know where you are today or what you may face but the Good News is this:
  1. He comes.
  2. He brings life.
  3. He comes to give it to us abundantly or to the fullest!
Lord thank you that you have given us a reservoir of life that will never run dry!

Determined to Live by Faith,
Dr. Stan

May 2, 2011

Why He Comes

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (KJV)  JOHN 10:10

The blessing for the child of God is that he knows what we need when we need it. The Bible records, “That in the fullness of time God sent his son, born of a woman and under the Law.” (Galatians 4:4)  Yes beloved when the time was full, when we could not bear the stench and sting of sin a moment longer, God sent his son. Jesus picks up on this when he says, I come that THEY might have life. Well beloved rejoice and be glad because you and I are the “they” that Jesus is talking about.

Why did Jesus come you ask? The answer is simple, so that we might have life! The word life in the Greek is Zoe. There are at least two words that describe life in the Greek, Zoe, and Bios.  Bios refers to physical life, age, numerical years. Zoe on the other hand has more to do with quality than quantity. Jesus implies that until now all you had was Bios and then you died. Yes you lived, breathed, walked and talked but because of sin your quality of life was severely diminished. Jesus says I want you to have Zoe quality of life. What is quality of life? Some have said it is the creature comforts of life, like luxury cars, fine homes and lots of money. The truth is you can have these things with Bios life. Zoe life comes with peace in the midst of turmoil; joy in the middle of sorrow; life when death is all around. Jesus says the thing you were lacking was Zoe. You had Bios and because of sin even that was limited but because he comes, we have Zoe life!

On today as you go about your daily chore thank God that he loved us enough to send what we really needed, Zoe quality life, life to the fullest!

Lord thank you for coming to rescue me from an ordinary life and introducing me to Zoe life, a life with meaning.

Next up what did Jesus mean when he said abundant life?

Determined to live by faith,
Dr. Stan